Gayatri mantra meaning, glory, benefits and effects

Vedmata Gayatri Mantra composed of 24 letters, a treasure of infinite knowledge is hidden in these letters. They contain 24 seed letters. The seeker of Gayatri has complete physical and spiritual progress, which are very important from both points of view. Gayatri is the pilgrimage, she is Triveni, their glory is infinite. The seeker of Gayatri attains enlightenment, we make heaven a hell due to our inverted wisdom. Gayatri has an amazing ability to change our vision, our hollow ideology, our false mind, our manumaya kosha, our aspirations, our wishes, our ideologies, if we come to the right place, then this human body is more than devyoni.

Bhu – Bhu Lok can be more enjoyable than heaven. Gayatri seeker considering Vedmata as ubiquitous does not sin even secretly, his mind is clean, he feels very blissful. By experiencing the parambara inside itself the soul become pure, it gives us a sense of consciousness and bliss, the seekers call pran as bhu lok,  it is common in all beings that this is a sign that all this It is the same, all humans and beings should be seen the same.Gayatri Mantr Mahima

rbhuvah: – The destruction of all the sorrows of the world is called rbhuvah. rbhuvah means the renunciation of all the miseries of the world, every deed done in the spirit of duty, which does not do the craving for happiness, those people are always happy.

Those karmayogis who consider their actions as duty are always happy.

Swah – It is a directive to the stability of the mind, it gives the message of keeping your fickle mind stable and healthy. Always be engrossed in the truth. He says that those who are Spartan seekers, they get all three types of happiness.

Tath – The word says this. In this world, he is the only wise person who knows the secret of life and death and lives a life without attachment.

Savitur – Savitur tells us, a man should be as strong as the sun. Everyone’s cognition are contained in the soul, this should be considered. All the actions of the world are done by the power of the sun. Destiny, fate, etc. everything is the result of your past actions So whatever circumstances arise in front of you, you should consider yourself worthy of that. Your luck is created by your own actions. Self-creation helps in your inner journey. A seeker must become a brilliant, strong, energetic. Health, education, wealth, cleverness, organization, fame, courage, truth you should make yourself stronger through these 8 strengths.

Varanyam – Varanyam reveals this, you should move towards continual superiority, see the best, think better, do the best work, This gives the seeker superiority. We become what our thoughts are. Our lives become like we are immersed in thoughts. That’s how we start behaving. We start getting partners in the same way, we get information and inspiration in the same direction.

If you want to make yourself the best, then you will have to sit with the best people, read the best books, do the best work, and have to have reverence among the best.

Bhargo – The bhargo tells us that, the seeker must become sinless, suffering is due to sins, so those who are afraid of sorrows who desire happiness, should avoid sins that atone for those who have sinned; only true joy in sinlessness.

Devasy – This verse says that a human body is mortal, that one can attain immortality or divinity, who have good vision like devtas, who do charity, serve beings, devlok is created inside and outside of such a seeker.

Everything in this creation made by Parvamba is holy and blissful. 

Developing divine superiority is the divine act, holding this vision seeker becomes a dev. Seeing beings with a holy vision of love and spirituality, keeping your conduct holy, donating your spiritual strength to lift the weak. This is divinity. Who has all these qualities, for him, the bhu lok also becomes joyful like heaven.

Dheemahi – Dheemahi tells us that we all should imbibe all kinds of sacred powers in our heart, without this we can never have the peace of happiness. There are many physical powers, power of wealth, power of state, power of beauty, power of arms, power of knowledge, power of wisdom, seeker can also get the blessings and praise on their strength, but this happiness is very temporary, this bliss is destroyed only with the slightest shock, the ultimate happiness is attained only by the devas possessions “Jai Nath Paramsukh Hoy” Fearlessness, Conscience, Generosity, Self-study, Penance, Mercy, Truth, Ahimsa, Humility, Patience, the joys which are attained due to these dev qualities are not achieved by material pleasures.

Dhio – Dhio tells us to churn all scriptures and Vedas, take its original extract of nectar then assimilate it because only pure intellect gets knowledge of truth this pure intelligence is called wisdom.

Yonah – By this, we mean that whatever means and powers we have, is less or more, use even the least part of it for your needs and distribute the rest among people with disabilities.

Prachodayat  – Prachodayat means that we should inspire ourselves and others to follow the path of truth.

Bhuh body rbhuvah world swah soul these three are the playground of paraamaba. By considering this Nikhil universe as a great form of paraamba one should try to achieve the higher role of spirituality. Man who sees paraamba everywhere and ubiquitous is saved from scorching in misdeeds like Maya, Moh, Promiscuity, Conservatism, Ill thought, etc.